Videoimagem AI helps you reach your target audience with 100% customized videos
What does my company get out of it?
There’s no limits to the possibilities. We personalize any variable, from the avatar to the language they speak. You just have to ask and our AI delivers it
A single video model is enough for us to replicate it to thousands of videos with specific and customized data
Our clients report up to 130% more adherence in directed campaigns using personalized videos
Specify your campaign goals . Example: Communicate an exclusive discounts your company is offering for a certain region, calling every customer by their name
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Share your customer database with Videoimagem, so that we have all the varialbes to use for personalizations, such as names, discounts, preferred products etc.
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Pilot and avatar production
We create a digital avatar and produce the main template, which will serve as a base for the production of all the personalized videos
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This is the most complex phase. Through our AI tool, we personalize every message, directing the videos to the target audience for each campaign. All is done surprsingly quick!
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Once the videos are generated, you can share them with your customers however you want!
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